Discounts, Surcharge, or Refund orders
01. Refund ordersOnce an order has been successfully paid, it can be refunded if necessary. There is a
Refund button available for cases where an order needs to be refunded for various reasons. To process a refund, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Log in to the POS system → Click
Step 2: Click on the order you want to refund.
Step 3: Click the
Refund button.
Step 4: A refund information form will appear. Choose the
TERMINAL tab and fill out the required fields based on the payment method:
- Refund Amount: Enter the amount to be refunded to the customer.
- Terminal Selection: Select the terminal connected to the POS (if refunding via Terminal) from the dropdown menu.
- Reason: Enter the reason for the refund.
Step 5: Click "
OK" to process the refund, or click "
Cancel" to cancel the refund.
Note: The refunded amount cannot exceed the final total amount of the order.
02. SurchargeSurcharges are additional fees that a restaurant may add to a customer's invoice, beyond the prices listed on the menu.
There are two types of surcharges:
- Cashier-entered surcharge: The cashier manually adds the surcharge amount to the order.
- Pre-set surcharge: The manager or admin sets up conditions for the surcharge to be automatically applied to the order.
A. Adding a Surcharge Manually:Step 1: Log in to the POS → Click on
Step 2: Select the order you want to add a surcharge.
Step 3: In the order's
Details tab, click the “
Add +” button in the
Surcharge / Discount / Delivery section → A form to enter surcharge details will appear.
Step 4: Fill in the surcharge details:
- Type: Select "Surcharge."
- Applicable Rate: Enter the amount or percentage of the surcharge.
- Reason: Provide the reason for applying the surcharge.
Step 5: Click “
OK” to add the surcharge to the order, or click “
Cancel” to discard changes.
Once the surcharge is added, the system will automatically calculate the total order value, including the surcharge. The cashier does not need to do any manual calculations.
B. Setting Up Surcharge Conditions as a Manager/AdminManagers and Admins can predefine conditions for surcharges to apply automatically to orders. Follow these steps to configure surcharges:
Step 1: Go to
Content Management → Click on the
Surcharge tab in the
Restaurant section. The existing surcharge list will appear if any surcharges have been set up previously.
Step 2: Click “
+ Add new” to create a new surcharge.
Step 3: Fill in and select the appropriate information:
- Title: The name of the surcharge.
- Description: A brief explanation of the surcharge's purpose.
- Active (ON / OFF): Toggle the button “ON” to activate the surcharge or “OFF” to deactivate it.
- Conditions of Application: Specify when the surcharge should apply (e.g., All Cases, Order Method, Number of Guests).
- Application Time: Choose the applicable timeframe: All Times, Specific Time, Hour, Day, Week, Month, or Year.
- Types of Charges: Define the type of charge, such as Surcharge, Change Item Price, or Delivery Fee. etc.
Step 4: Once all details are complete, click the “
Save” button to create the surcharge or click “
Cancel” to discard changes.
03. DiscountA
discount is a reduction in price, either as a specific amount or percentage, applied to one or more items or an entire order.
To apply a Discount on an order:Step 1: Log in to the POS system → Click on
Step 2: Select the order you want to apply a discount.
Step 3: In the
Details tab of the order, click the “
Add +” button in the
Surcharge / Discount / Delivery section → A form to enter the discount information will appear.
Step 4: Enter discount details:
- Type: Select Discount.
- Applicable rate: Enter the discount amount or percentage for the order.
- Reason: Provide the reason for the discount.
Step 5: Click "
OK" to apply the discount to the order, or click "
Cancel" to cancel the action.
The system will automatically recalculate the total order amount after the discount, so there’s no need for the cashier to do any manual calculations.